My background has brought me from the ranks of the fine artist to the gradual enlightenment of the powers of advertising to the understanding of integrated marketing as a powerful tool of persuasion.
I understand the balance of branding, budgets, timelines, and creativity that results in a product that “wows” the client, achieves the objective, and pierces the demo.

To get into the mind of the target market I use every tool at my disposal: Design, Illustration, Photography, Multi-media, Copy, Internet, Television, Radio, Direct Response, or just word-of-mouth.
I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty.

Customer Service
It's easy to say... it's another thing to do. It means taking care of clients right away if possible. It means taking your client's files on vacation with you in case you need to work. It means answering the call, anytime. Go ahead... if you're my client, call me, I'll answer.